Tag Archives: Pyrex Box

Thrift Store Jackpot

Sometimes, you strike out at a place you normally score big at. You search and search and think “I should have come yesterday…” But this wasn’t the case yesterday. Our adventure started with a trip to the Worcester SAVERS-which is currently over run by people scraping together Halloween costumes. Joe has been a hunt for a set of older Pyrex custard cups, so that was the first thing he sought out. But there were none. Aside from a few Early American pattern pieces that have been sitting on the shelf for nearly a month (I have no interest in the pattern, which is why it doesn’t live in our house) we weren’t seeing anything exciting. Until we found a few lids. I believe I’ve mentioned before how hard lids are to find, especially the ones we happened upon (at least they’ve been hard for us to find). There are three refrigerator dish covers for .99 cents a piece. Even though there are a few chips in the smaller ones for .99 cents we weren’t going to pass it up! Thinking we had found all we were going to find I went to look at curtains…it is getting colder and we need heavier ones for the living room than we currently have. A few minutes later Joe comes up with something behind his back and said, “We’re getting this because its old.” And from his back he brought a pie dish…with the simple logo of “Pyrex,” above and below it a backwards dollar sign. This has long been the sign of very old Pyrex, dating anywhere between 1917-1938. Our oldest piece to date. It was 5.99 and half off. How can you not love thrift stores that have half off color tags on certain days?

Pie dish and lids

Joe tried his best to get a decent picture of the logo. Inlarge for better view

Our next stop was the Salvation Army in town. What we found there was just as (if not a little more so) amazing as the pie plate. It started with another lid (1.99), because lids are great, especially divided ones like this. Then, a Spring Daisy carafe for 1.99 -sorry, mom, I know you’re sick of the pattern.
Then…a box. A cream and pink colored box with PYREX brand written on it and Corning on the top. A 12 cup server with candle warmer originally priced at 4.95 and everything was in there. Even a candle! It is beautiful. I asked Joe almost instantly, “Do you think I can make coffee in it?!” jokingly, of course. This is my first box and oh my goodness do I want another one! The box is in amazing condition, only having one or two little defects (one of which was caused by Joe taking off the price tag). Speaking of the price. It was marked 7.99, a little less than double its original cost. But…it was a pink tag day so that 7.99 was turned into 3.99! Costing us .96 cents LESS than the original cost of the set. A beautiful, exciting and huge score for us.


Our Salvation Army finds

When we got to the desk the girl didn’t ring it up half off, so we asked her to do so and she had to get the manager. When the woman came from the back I said to Joe, “we’ve bought from her at Charlton!” and sure even when I asked her if she ran a booth at the Charlton flea market she said “I thought you guys looked familiar.” We were surprised to know she works at the Salvation army at didn’t snatch up all the good Pyrex for her booth. Either way, we’re happy she doesn’t because we really seem to get the best stuff from our local Sally’s. So I highly recommend you go to yours and check it out. I’m sure you’ll find treasures! Or, if you’re lucky enough to have a Goodwill go there! I have no idea where our closest one even is…The last one I remember seeing was in Pennsylvania on our move back north last fall. But since then we haven’t found one.

We’re headed to another part of the state today and they’ve got a Salvation Army so we’ll check it out and I’ll report back tomorrow as to what we find.


Filed under Antique, Pyrex